When? he asked. When does middle age end and old age begin?

"When" he asked, " when does middle age end and old age begin?"

It took awhile to recover from his question.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Picking up speed on the downhill stretch

If I were religious I'd say  we have been blessed with good health.

We being 'my family,' both the children I have borne and the family I was born into. My husband too, has a family history of good health and longevity. On the periphery  of my family life I have known of people who suffered from ill health and disease but my fore bearers and those of my spouse have lived to impressive  ages, in remarkable good health. My children and grandchild, to date; hale and hearty, my spouse; vigorous and vital.The one cloud on this sunny horizon was the death in early adulthood  of my dear brother Todd, victim of  an aggressive brain tumor.

My friends too have been fortunate to be healthy and parents of healthy children. I have never had to support a close friend with a sick parent, nor give comfort to a friend with sick or injured child or a terminal spouse. I believe  my  life is exceptional in this regard. I cannot attribute it to good living   and see it as little more than dumb luck, adequate nutrition, clean water, immunization and preventive health care. I have given considered thought to this over the last few years and have reckoned that this will not continue as I age.

Someone I know will have a stroke, someone will suffer a heart attack, someone will develop Parkinson's and surely someone will fight cancer. As I age, the incidences of the diseases of aging will increase in my peer group and touch me personally, this is inevitable. It also stands to reason that the odds of encountering catastrophic illness in my community of acquaintances increase as the years go on.It happens to other people and I can expect the same. How can it not be so?

Yesterday I visited one of my oldest friends in the hospital, something I haven't done since all our babies were being delivered into this world. He is a grandfather of two. He seems to be doing very well. He doesn't give off the vibe of someone terribly ill. His condition, just treated, was one of those found  in adults over 50 . It was found in a routine health examination. Tissue and lymph nodes have been sent for further examination, but all indications are that this is due diligence rather than a suspicion of anything more sinister. I am optimistic his crooked smile, quirky sense of humour and kindness will be with me for years to come, but know too that his health is the first of my circle to be seriously affected and that we all will again be touched as time goes on in this down hill track to the end.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

End Of The Road

I like to travel to the end of the road, to go as far as possible just to see what there is when I get there. My travel budget is small and I don't get to leave the country but last week we took a 3 day breather  in Prince Edward County and is our pattern ended up going to the end of the road...on the way there we stopped at the Little Bluff Conservation Area. Seemingly nothing special we were annoyed by a group of seniors sightseeing  who we had the misfortune  to be trailing from place to place. We were about to  head back to the car when I noticed a blue arrow,an  indication of a trailhead. We took the downward path to the beach below.

Photos cannot describe the enormity of the rocky beach below. A perfect arc of large pebbles rounded by the relentless wave action created a steep beach angling  to the water below and leveled off to a ridge which contained the marsh behind it . Surely this geometry was the inspiration for the Hoover Dam. We watched a flock of birds (must figure out what kind!) perform and aerial ballet swooping and grouping over the surface of the water and blasting towards the sky only to turn swiftly and break off, regroup and repeat before flying out of sight but not forgotten.

The isolated and sheltered situation of the cove made me think that most probably  the location had been used by smugglers  and this website indicates that was the case. The pictures do not do the cove justice and fail to convey the scale of the beach.


Young no longer

I've had some thoughts for the now, not so young Callum. Not so much about the nebulous end of middle age but more about the realization of old age and the looming end of the road. But those thoughts are for another day, another post perhaps even another lifetime. I've had yet another birthday and feel an urgency and the speedy passage of time. I have places to go and stories to tell. Philosophy can wait for the dark side of the moon.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The other side of the table.

 At the end of the table where we eat  there is a collection of  vitamins and prescription medications.  We used to have a pile of home work and permission slips there, but it's been awhile. We used to keep these sorts of things in the cupboard in the bathroom, but now if we did we might forget them. We used to keep this sort of thing  locked up  but now that the grandchild is driving it seems unnecessary.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Diminishing Domestic Diva

These days, I like to clean the kitchen without my glasses on. It goes so much faster.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

East Rider

My friend bought herself a bike, a big bike.
A Honda 750, I believe.

I have never wanted a motorcycle, not even to ride on the back.

I am not jealous of her wheels. I am jealous of her joy. I hear it in her voice. I see it in her face

Every journey begins

Every journey begins with a single step.
My journey began some time ago. What I didn't notice was, that while there were many paths to follow and many sidetracks to tempt me, there is no back track.

I know I'm old

In the market  I went looking for a small bottle of ketchup.  That never happened when my boys were about.
We buy apples in threes, one for him and one for me, and one for whom ever enjoyed their first. Then we shop again.

Recently the maple syrup went moldy.

"How long has it been since we made pancakes?" he asked.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Romantic Language

 Each relationship with have it's own. There is no universal language of love. After forty years of marriage  I still thrill to our own personal endearments and cringe when a generic happens to pass his lips. Our private names are just for us and not used within the hearing of others. Pillow talk remains, just that; either a postprandial prelude to bed or a post coital tete a tete.

Personal experience has not been a help to me in my quest to compile a list of endearments for a work project and  perusing the Internet has convinced me that creativity is in it's death throes. It seems those who blog think, Angel, Baby, BabyGirl, BabyDoll, Big Boy, Bear, Boo, Bunny,Cutie, Darling, Dear, Dickie, Dickie Bird, Honey, Love, Luv, Sugar, Sunshine, Sweetheart, Sweetie, Sugar tits, Sweet buns, Gorgeous, Handsome, Hon, Honey, Kitten, Love, Pookie, Princess, Pumpkin, Shorty, Sugar are creative and worthy of sharing .

Oh how I despair! 

So it was a great pleasure to stumble upon the following  old blog post. I imagine the  author to now be   romantically involved, not doubt with a poet who appreciates her way with words. Sadly the blog has not been updated since 2011.


So what about you ? Pressed for words of love  how would you  address your beloved?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pretty Dress

I'm looking for a pretty dress. It shouldn't be a difficult thing to find,but it is.