When? he asked. When does middle age end and old age begin?

"When" he asked, " when does middle age end and old age begin?"

It took awhile to recover from his question.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Easy Rider

My friend Karen has a new bike, a big bike. A Honda 750-I think.
I have never wanted a bike, not even to ride on the back.

I am envious.

I am envious of her joy. I hear it in her voice, I see it in her eyes. THAT, I want.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Butterflies in my tummy!

I have been on Weight Watchers for one week. Tonight is my second weigh in. It hasn't been hard food wise but it has been concious-ness wise.
Have I fooled myself?
Even a little weight off will be a reward but oh! to be one of the rare few who have a big loss at the beginning. I could really use that boost.